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By Dorcas Aroloye, 01/29/24, 12:00PM CST


I hope this finds you well. As the State President of MN BPA, I am thrilled to extend an invitation to you and your members for our upcoming Collegiate Success Webinar. This event is designed to provide valuable insights and guidance to students as they navigate their collegiate journeys and prepare for the professional world.

Webinar Details:
Collegiate Success Webinar on February 6th at 7 pm 
Platform: Google Meets 
Speaker Announcement:
We are excited to share that we have secured a lineup of distinguished speakers who are BPA alumni. We will officially announce the speakers later this week, I wanted to give you a sneak peek into the caliber of individuals we have on board. Their insights on academic excellence, professional development, time management, and the transition from high school to college and some to the professional world promise to be highly valuable for students.
How You Can Get Involved:
Promote the Event: Share the webinar details with your members and encourage their participation.
Share on Social Media: Help us create a buzz by sharing event details on your chapter's social media platforms.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your chapter's enthusiastic participation in the Collegiate Success Webinar.

If you have questions or concerns please reach out to me at and 

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